TEL: 07484 060560

Patient Survey

This survey is about all aspects of the service you have received from the Sports Injury Diagnosis Clinic. We thank you very much for completing and returning it; these surveys help us ensure that we carefully monitor and improve areas of our care that are important to you.

Please tick the relevant box for each answer. All fields are compulsory unless stated otherwise.

Who did you see at your last visit? (optional)

About You

 Male Female

 Under 20  21-35  36-50  51-65  66 +

Telephone Contact

How would you rate the following?

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

On Arrival

How would you rate:

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent


 Yes  No

 Under 15 mins  16-30 mins  31-45 mins  Over 46 mins  Not applicable

Overall, how would you rate the service you received from:

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

 Poor  Fair  Good  Excellent  Not applicable

 Yes  No

Type the letters or numbers in the above image.